Why is Everyone Talking About Adanola?
Brooke Goldstein Brooke Goldstein

Why is Everyone Talking About Adanola?

I had to find out the reason this UK brand, Adanola, seems to have taken over the fitness fashion world recently. Is it Kendall Jenner’s new campaign with the brand? Probably. I mean have you seen how cute every single item in the collection is? Of course, the Kardashians make everything they touch blow up. So nice job, Adanola marketing team. Given my duty to you all, I needed to find out whether this latest fitness fashion brand is worth all the hype — without the stunning Kendall Jenner wearing it.

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My Five Days on the Kroma Reset
Brooke Goldstein Brooke Goldstein

My Five Days on the Kroma Reset

It’s become a little tradition around here to do a nutritional reset in the new year and Kroma’s program has been on my list. Mostly because the colorful packets are so aesthetically pleasing. But more seriously because this reset allows for the consumption of real food while on it. I also prefer savory broths over sweet juices, especially when the program is longer than a day. Truth is, Kroma is a nutritional powerhouse. Each and every packet of the 45 packets in the 5-day reset is made with the cleanest and healthiest ingredients. Ingredients that make your body feel good. A difference you understand as soon as you start the reset and that you want to continue for as long as possible when the reset is over. So that’s why it’s been a no-brainer for me to make these resets part of my life and to take you all along with me.

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Snowdays with Halfdays
Brooke Goldstein Brooke Goldstein

Snowdays with Halfdays

Well, we had the first somewhat significant snow fall only six days into 2025, so I’m feeling good about this winter. In recent years, our ski season in the Northeast has been cut short or nonexistent. So with the prospect of a snowy winter, I wanted to do a little refresh to my ski wardrobe. And whether you ski or not, Halfdays will keep you warm and cute all winter long.

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What to Try in 2025: Contrast Therapy
Brooke Goldstein Brooke Goldstein

What to Try in 2025: Contrast Therapy

Every year around this time, I like to share a workout that is all the rage. It’s usually a fitness trend that I am noticing. A way to sweat that I am currently loving and think you will, too. But this year I am doing things a little differently. I’m not showing you a workout to try in 2025. And that’s because I have noticed a big trend among this audience. You guys want to get healthy. And while that drive for overall health and wellness certainly includes fitness, I see you guys. I see that you want to do all the things. The things that make your mind, body and spirit as good as can be. And I hear you. So I am pivoting a bit with this annual post. This year I am sharing a wellness trend that you should try in 2025!

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The Eight Wellness Sales I Am Shopping Today
Brooke Goldstein Brooke Goldstein

The Eight Wellness Sales I Am Shopping Today

Look, basically the world is on sale right now. My husband is booking all of our family vacations today because even resorts now also have Black Friday sales. You could go absolutely nuts this weekend or you could do what I sometimes do when I get overwhelmed… absolutely nothing. But here are a few of the really good wellness related sales that I think are worthy of boarding the Black Friday Sales train.

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Microloading Might Just Be The Key To It All
Brooke Goldstein Brooke Goldstein

Microloading Might Just Be The Key To It All

I am doing everything in my power to do all the things. The things right now to keep me feeling my best as I continue through my forties... One of the easiest ways to do this is to lift weights. Obviously. But I also want to continue the activities that I enjoy, like running — and I want to make it more productive and more beneficial for me in the long run. So I have recently started adding weights to my body in one form or another when I run or walk. I am doing this in the most comfortable, best looking way possible… with Omorpho.

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My Favorite Pieces from Splits59 this Fall
Brooke Goldstein Brooke Goldstein

My Favorite Pieces from Splits59 this Fall

When I was in Nantucket this summer and half the barre class showed up wearing Splits59 head to toe, it was time for me to give this brand another look. Since Nantucket is my fashion mecca for the summer, I just knew the women in my class were onto something. And if the Splits fall collection is any indication, then I am going to have to agree with the ladies of my Nantucket barre class. This brand is really good. I mean, really good. It’s high quality. The fit is just right and comfortable. The styles are on trend and fashion forward … as far as activewear goes. And the brand is giving us something different and more exciting than the usual.

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Making D1 Athletes in Malvern
Brooke Goldstein Brooke Goldstein

Making D1 Athletes in Malvern

The kid workouts at D1 have been referred to as a “better version of a gym class.” And I kinda love that. Most kids do really enjoy gym class, and from what I observed, the D1 athletes were laughing and learning and working hard in the gym. So for me, any program that instills positive feelings about exercise, especially at such a young age, will always get my applause.

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Teacher Approved Looks to Go Back to School with Vuori
Brooke Goldstein Brooke Goldstein

Teacher Approved Looks to Go Back to School with Vuori

As I sent all three of my kids back to school last month, I wanted to do something to show my gratitude to the special humans that are turning our little monsters into educated, presentable, contributing parts of society. So I teamed up with the new Vuori store in the King of Prussia Mall to share these teacher approved, back-to-school looks.

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Let’s Get Back to Your Mental Health
Brooke Goldstein Brooke Goldstein

Let’s Get Back to Your Mental Health

I’ve delayed writing this week’s blog post because admittedly, I don’t know how much I have to offer about improving mental health. I feel like this is an area that I could really use some help with. So as I sit down now to write this post, only the day before I plan to go live with it, I’m ready to write. I know exactly what I want to say and how I want to say it. The reason for this epiphany is that I just came in from a run. Exercise. That is how I clear my mind. Find out the other small things I am doing to improve my mental health.

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Let’s Get Back to Your Healthy Diet
Brooke Goldstein Brooke Goldstein

Let’s Get Back to Your Healthy Diet

When I say that I want to get back to a healthy diet this month, it is so very different than the way I used to think of a “healthy diet”. Getting back on track this September for me, today, means less alcohol, less snacking, less processed foods, and more of the good stuff. The foods that make me feel my best. The foods that give me energy. The foods that fuel my body and help me meet my fitness goals. Those are the reasons why I eat what I eat today.

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Let’s Get Back to Your Physical Health
Brooke Goldstein Brooke Goldstein

Let’s Get Back to Your Physical Health

Getting your health in check can be completely overwhelming. There is just so much information out there and so many opinions. I'm hopeful that this post will give some guidance on where to start.

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Let’s Get Back to You- We Start with Fitness
Brooke Goldstein Brooke Goldstein

Let’s Get Back to You- We Start with Fitness

Juggling mom life, work and all my own personal stuff requires me to prioritize my to-do lists every single day. All summer long, my priorities were with my family. And that’s fine. Priorities are always going to shift. But I am ready to shift back to myself a little more. And because of that, I am joining you guys to make September a month to get back to me.

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The College Kid’s Guide To Working Out on the Main Line for Less
Brooke Goldstein Brooke Goldstein

The College Kid’s Guide To Working Out on the Main Line for Less

Being a college student is expensive, especially when you’re a college student on the Main Line. And I want to help all the bright, young minds in the audience to make sure you guys are moving, as well. You don’t need a college degree to know how important exercise is for stress management. So with the start of the another school year at your favorite area university, here’s a list of where to go to get your sweat on at a discounted rate. Grab your sneakers, the latest trending water bottle and don’t forget your student ID… this is where all the kids are working out on the Main Line for less!

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So, You Want to Do Pilates?
Brooke Goldstein Brooke Goldstein

So, You Want to Do Pilates?

Everyone and their mother want to do Pilates right now. But what does it mean to say, “I want to do Pilates”? So I’m breaking it all down for you with this post. And to do so, I spent the past few weeks visiting with some of the most popular Pilates (and “Pilates-like”) studios in our area to have the real pros help me help inform you.

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What Came Home With Me
Brooke Goldstein Brooke Goldstein

What Came Home With Me

This is what I brought home from Nordstrom. And I promise it’s worth the brief disruption from dips in the pool and trips to the ice cream shop. You can thank me later when you find yourself grabbing all of these pieces.

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And the Winners Are…
Brooke Goldstein Brooke Goldstein

And the Winners Are…

These awards are nothing more than a little fun way to wrap up the tour. Sure, they are just my personal opinion, and I always invite you to go check out a workout on your own and form your own damn opinion! But at the end of every studio tour I am in absolute awe of what I just experienced and some standouts need to be noted.

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June Studio Tour: Where I’m Going for the Last Two Weeks
Brooke Goldstein Brooke Goldstein

June Studio Tour: Where I’m Going for the Last Two Weeks

The month is halfway over which means I have two more weeks to tour a bunch of local studios. I’ll be heading down the shore for week three and I’ll finish the month all over the Philly area suburbs. Check out where I’ll be June 17-30.

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