IM Health Performance Center in Radnor

You may recall the gorgeous, new facility in Radnor that I wrote about last spring. The Performance Center at IM Health is located on the 3rd floor of the stunning new brick building on Lancaster Avenue in Wayne. Yes, adults can train here (and I often do) but head coach, Rene Cammarata, has a very specific and targeted program for elite student athletes, as well as entire high school teams across a wide array of sports. The Conestoga Rugby team is one of those teams that trains at IM Health all year round. Local high school athletes come to IM Health to get stronger and faster during the off season and pre season, and to maintain power and strength and prevent injury in-season.

The coaches at IM Health help their athletes to achieve their dreams of playing their sport in college and push their game to the next level. While the kids at IM Health are mostly high school age (college kids use the facility when they are home in the summer), the youngest athletes can come in as early as age 10 to learn fundamental movement skills and object control skills.

Rene Cammarata began to focus on elite athletic performance training in 2005, training students in lacrosse, soccer, golf, rowing, figure skating, speed skating, hockey, volleyball and basketball.

Rene Cammarata began to focus on elite athletic performance training in 2005, training students in lacrosse, soccer, golf, rowing, figure skating, speed skating, hockey, volleyball and basketball.

Rene’s program is a total body workout that incorporates speed, power and strength with each workout. Exercise selection, timing, progression and regression, repetition and order all play a very specific role in training at IM Health.

Training includes:

  • preparation work

    • the warm up

    • mobility

    • flexibility, and

    • priming for the rest of the workout

  • speed work

    • training postures

    • force applications of acceleration

    • change of direction

    • max velocity

    • strength-speed development

  • total body, multidirectional strength programs

  • conditioning for sport

    • interval based, change of direction work

Students train at IM Health before school at 6 am or after school, starting at 3:30 pm (every hour on the half hour). The small group workout usually starts on the turf with preparation, speed and agility work as a group. From there, the athletes move onto the floor to do their individual workout for the day that is customized to the student’s level and sport. Each personal daily workout can be found in the Teambuildr app on the phone or on various iPads placed around the gym. Membership at IM Health is month to month. Whole team training is offered at a discounted rate. You can find out more information about IM Health’s student and whole team athletic program here.


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