CrossFit Main Line Teen and Kid Program in Wayne and Ardmore

CrossFit Main Line has a very strong and supportive teen community, which is not at all surprising since CrossFit Main Line is built around their community. From the moment that I first emailed with Teen Coach, Wendi Wilson, her passion and commitment towards her kids was apparent. Sure, she could train the adults. But, coaching the kids and watching them hit milestones is why she does it. Wendi is also a school teacher and an avid Cross Fitter herself so it would seem that her background is just right for her to lead the 4 teen classes and 2 kid classes a week that are offered at CrossFit Main Line. She has been a CrossFit coach since 2014 and has been working with the CrossFit teens and kids since 2016.

The goal of the teen program at CrossFit is build a strong and solid foundation, which includes proper lift technique, building stamina and capacity, and learning and practicing certain skills that are part of the CrossFit program (such as toes to bar, pull-ups, rope climbs, etc.). Mastering proper form happens before any weights ever come into play. Instruction and practice is the focus, not just working out. I wish I had this kind of detailed instruction when I started out! There is also a CrossFit kids program that is more about fun, movement and games, while teaching basic CrossFit skills. The kids also have some supervised time to explore the equipment in the gym. There is even a swing in the middle of the floor which is there just for play.

So, what can the kids really do at CrossFit? They can’t lift those weights, can they? Well, I was invited to join a teen class to check it out for myself. I came to the Friday 3:30 pm class at the Wayne location. I joined about a dozen 10-14 year old boys and girls that were all different sizes, from various area schools and with differing abilities. Wendi magically took all of these differences and made the group class work for everyone (including me). Wendi says “everything is adaptable to all fitness, skill and motivation levels.”

Wendi is walking everyone through the proper form of the single arm clean and press.

Wendi is walking everyone through the proper form of the single arm clean and press.

The class runs much like an adult CrossFit class. Class includes a series of exercises that the group is working on that day. Wendi broke down each exercise and assigned each teen a phase of that exercise based on his/her ability. So for example, one of the exercises in our class was the rope climb. Yikes! I know. Who has reoccurring nightmares of having to do this in gym class? Well, I wish Wendi had been my gym teacher. Wendi showed the group four levels of this one exercise— a simple hang while engaging the back muscles; a hang with a leg lift to engage the core; the first part of the climb, where you wrap the rope around your feet to bring this exercise into your legs; and the final phase, which is a climb to the top of the rope.

A very impressive young lady demonstrated each progression, including the full climb. She made it look so easy, which I promise you, it was not! Wendi assigned each teen their level of the rope climb exercise (I was appropriately on the first phase). Wendi was right there to offer guidance and variations. It was inspiring to see one very challenging exercise utilized in so many different ways so that everyone in the class could do it. And the kids who were working on one of the first phases of the rope climb exercise had something long term to work towards. That young girl who climbed the rope to the top, she had been diligently working on that for the past sixth months. The rope is now her favorite exercise because of her dedication to tackling it. It’s less about age and more about experience, size and the biggest factor, motivation. These factors determine the various progressions of the exercise that the individual works on. And some teens can even transition into adult classes.

Wendi is demonstrating the foot wrap to a student.

Wendi is demonstrating the foot wrap to a student.

CrossFit is for everyone. Yes, it’s intimidating but the community here at CrossFit ML is one of the most supportive environments that I have seen. The focus here is on positivity, movement, community and working out to be healthy. Some kids come in to get in shape. Others to gain strength or speed for their sport. But many don’t play a team sport and come into CrossFit to be active and part of this team.

“My main philosophy for teens and kids is to create an environment where they come to love the exercise, gain confidence in, not only their ability, but also body confidence. I want them to want to keep coming back and eventually to want to challenge themselves, as well. The idea is to instill in them the love for movement - the want to learn to do it correctly and efficiently - and have fun along the way.”

“My main philosophy for teens and kids is to create an environment where they come to love the exercise, gain confidence in, not only their ability, but also body confidence. I want them to want to keep coming back and eventually to want to challenge themselves, as well. The idea is to instill in them the love for movement - the want to learn to do it correctly and efficiently - and have fun along the way.”

The way those kids ran into the gym on that Friday afternoon and approached each exercise without a complaint but with determination and focus, it is clear that Wendi is accomplishing what she set out to do at CrossFit Main Line.

You can find out more information about CrossFit Main Line’s Teen and Kid classes, which are offered at both the Wayne and Ardmore locations, here.


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