Boxing & Beats Cheat Sheet

Improving my shadow boxing skills is on the list of my fitness goals for 2022. One of the reasons is that my friend, Jen Crompton, is so impressive when she teaches her signature Boxing and Beats class. For now, I am more than happy to take her class virtually because of how ridiculous I look (half the time I spend laughing at myself). But I want to be ready for the day Jen is able to hold these classes in person again. Boxing is a great cardio workout plus it keeps you on your toes (both literally and figuratively) as you move through the combinations.

Boxing and Beats is shadow boxing set to upbeat music. Each song has a different punch combination and focuses on a different boxing skill. All of Jen’s combinations involve just 6 punches or movements. Jen will run through them all on Sunday morning when she starts class. I want you all to be as prepared as possible. So I am giving you a little cheat sheet here because Jen moves fast! Rest assure that I did request some slower songs for our group since most of us are likely novice boxers. So study up in advance of this Sunday morning’s Boxing and Beats class with Jen! And if you don’t have time to review the moves in advance or miss a combo, no worries. Just punch! I promise that no matter what, you will get a great workout and have fun!

Step 1 is the JAB.

Punch forward using the hand of the leg that is forward in your stance. This is the dominant side. If you are right handed, your left foot is forward and MOVES 1, 3 and 5 use the left hand.

Step 2 is the CROSS.

Punch forward using the hand of the leg that is in the rear of your stance. If you are right handed, your left foot is forward and MOVES 2, 4 and 6 use the right hand.

Step 3 is the LEAD HOOK.

The dominant hand hooks in front of your face.

Step 4 is the REAR HOOK.

The rear hand hooks in front of your face.

Step 5 is the LEAD UPPERCUT.

The dominant hand hooks up in front of your face.

Step 6 is the REAR UPPERCUT.

The rear hand hooks up in front of your face.

Your legs are moving. Your power comes from your hips and legs when you box so you will be rotating in your legs as you punch. But, I will let Jen show you that. Involving the legs in the proper way is way beyond my pay grade!

Boxing and Beats is the perfect way to mix it up and keep your workouts fun and engaging, which will ultimately lead to success in reaching your long term fitness goals. I hope you will join me and Jen on Sunday morning, January 23, at 10:00 am for the next virtual workout. Jen has requested a fee of $10 to join her class. Please help to support our fitness community and Venmo her ahead of class @JenCrompton.

Zoom info: Meeting ID is 846 0164 4554

I will “see” you on Sunday morning at 10 am. My camera will be on and feel free to laugh at me, but as always, do not feel obligated to keep your cameras on.


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