Setting Intentions for the New Year with 81st and James

January is about setting intentions and goals and hopefully trying something new. This year, for me, I want to try Reiki. Until last year, I had never even heard the word. Now, I can't stop hearing it. It could be because it’s gaining popularity as we are all turning inward to find peace and calmness in a very unsettled world. But for me, it could also be because my good friend, Angela Sipe, got her certifications to become a Reiki Master Practitioner and started her own practice this year. And Angela’s private Reiki sessions have been selling out every month since she launched her company, 81st and James. So I had to get Angela (partially for my own benefit) to speak about Reiki, and of course, have her do a little distance Reiki with you all.

So what is Reiki? I visited Angela’s website,, to find out. “Reiki is an energy healing method that is done by placing the hands in a series of positions lightly on or slightly above the body. Reiki promotes healing by activating the relaxation response and helping the body to balance itself from a very deep level. … Reiki can help lift those layers of stuck energy, improving the flow of energy around the body. … The goal of Reiki is to restore physical and emotional well-being while also promoting relaxation, reducing mental stress, encourage pain relief, speed healing and reduce other symptoms of illness.”

So what does a Reiki session look like? Angela offers three types of sessions. For an in-person session in Devon, Wayne or Malvern, the client lies on the table, fully clothed, while Angela places her hands lightly on or over specific areas of the body with the intention to clear or move excess energy. Angela can also do this virtually from the comfort of your own home. Lastly, Angela can do what she calls an “anytime session” where she sends the “reiki” to the client and the client can chose when to receive it when he/she is ready. All sessions begin with a meditation after Angela smudges and sets her intentions.

Angela says it herself, “Reiki can help everyone.” I know that lately I have been layering on those “stress jackets”, as Angela likes to call them. I mean, look at what we are dealing with in the world right now! So I am thrilled to bring you all my dear friend this Wednesday evening, January 19, at 7 pm. Angela will share her own experience and educate the group about the practice of Reiki. If you have questions, bring them on! Angela loves to explain what she does. She will then lead us in a brief meditation and send the group distance Reiki. You will be encouraged to turn your cameras off at this time. The group will circle back for a discussion after the session. I also asked Angela to talk a little about smudging and some of the items that you can use to make your home a calmer place (as I hear my children downstairs screaming at each other. I told you that I invited Angela for my own selfish reasons!).

If you have heard of Reiki before and wanted to know what it was, or are just hearing about this ancient Japanese healing method for the first time now, I encourage you to join us this week. And if you already appreciate Reiki and want to get some of those healing benefits, you too can join us on Wednesday night.

Zoom Information:
Meeting ID: 420 023 4467
Passcode: 764320


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