How to Do Healthy Meals When the Kids are Back to Being So Gosh Darn Busy

Wow, September came in with vigor and swept up our kids back into a “normal” routine filled with practices and lessons and rehearsals and classes, leaving us parents in a cloud of dust trying to figure out what just happened and how the heck to make it all work. I mean we all wanted this but does anyone else feel completely out of practice when it comes to managing the kids activities? How the heck did I do this in 2019?

One of the biggest challenges that a busy routine brings is fitting in healthy meals. High protein and low sugar meals and snacks for the kids are more important than ever to get their brains focused for school and their muscles ready to work after school. Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day, especially when the kids are going, going, going for the next 12+ hours. And dinner is not only a time to nourish the body but sharing a meal with the family nourishes a child’s mental health. Studies show that a family dinner lowers the rates of obesity; reduces anxiety and depression in young people; creates higher self esteem and better body images in children; and reduces behavioral problems in school and produces better grades, higher reading scores and better vocabulary.

Ok, so all of this is great. But, I struggle to figure out how to make healthy, quick meals happen when the kids are back to being so gosh darn busy?

I “sat down” (figuratively, because I actually met her on the trail while we power walked and I tried to keep up with her! ) with local registered dietician and licensed dietician nutritionist, Emily Murray. Emily is a friend, but she also saw my daughter pretty regularly when we were dealing with extreme picky eating issues years ago. Her nutrition practice is in Radnor and she also sees patients virtually. Emily works with families to ensure children and teenagers are meeting their nutritional needs while balancing their lives. So, I thought she would be a great person to chat with this month. Emily is a mom of busy children herself so I know she understands these challenges and could offer some healthy, quick meal suggestions for families on the go.

Emily recognizes the importance of family meal time together but she knows how difficult that can be when one kid has team practice until 5 pm… and another kid is in dance class from 5-7 pm… and a working parent can’t sit down to eat until 6:30 pm… and the little guys need to get to bed by 7:30 pm… So accomplishing a family dinner with everyone at the same time is nearly impossible! Emily says that a “family” meal doesn’t have to be all members sitting around the table, as you may envision. Two people eating together (without screens) is enough to get all the benefits of a family meal. And hearing that is a HUGE relief. It makes a family dinner much less of a stressful event (which defeats the purpose of a family meal if the members are rushed or stressed trying to get there).

Emily suggests making a meal that can be left on the counter in a crock pot or easily reheated for people to grab when their schedule allows. And as long as someone is sitting with another family member when eating, that counts! Emily gave me a few healthy meal options that easily work whenever your various family dinners actually happen.

  1. Tacos are a great balanced meal containing all food groups that are a crowd pleaser. The parts of the taco can be left out in bowls and the meat and shells can be easily reheated. I love to make tacos because it’s EASY! Plus most family members can find something they like to put in a taco… even the picky eaters. And, its fun for the little ones to assemble the tacos on their own (or with the help of an older sibling).

  2. A stew or a soup in a crock pot is always a huge time saver and can be left on warming mode for late diners. A meat stew loaded with veggies is a great, balanced meal and the picky eaters can pick out the parts they don’t like. Serve it over rice, noodles or quinoa to add some healthy carbohydrates.

  3. A whole rotisserie chicken with a side of veggies and a grain can be eaten at room temperature or reheated. For the chefs out there, you can roast your own chicken. For people like me, who look for ways to stay out of the kitchen, you can easily pick up a prepared chicken at the grocery store and even grab some roasted veggies from the hot bar. Packages of quick cook, or even frozen, rice or quinoa easily complete this meal.

  4. Making fried rice with an egg, veggies and meat, shrimp or tofu is a great quick healthy meal that the whole family will enjoy and can be easily reheated.

Taco night was a huge success at our house this week. After ballet for one and before virtual religious class for another, we were all able to quickly gather at our kitchen island. Everyone ate great that night.

Taco night was a huge success at our house this week. After ballet for one and before virtual religious class for another, we were all able to quickly gather at our kitchen island. Everyone ate great that night.

The kids like to assemble their own tacos and I am good with anything they go for.

The kids like to assemble their own tacos and I am good with anything they go for.

Another challenging time for meals at home is breakfast. Getting up and dressed and out the door is an adjustment after a year and a half of rolling out of bed and logging into a virtual class or meeting. So quick but healthy meals that can be eaten at the breakfast table or in the car are a must.

  1. Emily loves a smoothie made with Greek yogurt and fresh or frozen fruit. My 11 year old loves to make her own smoothies every morning so she can include exactly what she wants to eat. Emily said plant based proteins are fine to add to kids smoothies if they don’t want the Greek yogurt.

  2. If your kids will eat hard boiled eggs, they are great for quick, on the go, protein-packed snacks or breakfasts. You can even buy precooked hard boiled eggs at most supermarkets. While my kids love eggs they do not love the texture of the hard boiled eggs so that’s not a winner for my family, but it may be for yours.

  3. Emily also loves the Kodiak products because they have added protein. Kodiak makes frozen waffles, pancake and waffle mix, muffin mix, on-the-go breakfast cups and even the new granola bars for tasty, fast, protein-filled breakfasts on the go. These are also great to pack for snacks throughout the day.

Caleb added fresh blueberries to his muffin (or “nuffin” as he likes to call it).

Caleb added fresh blueberries to his muffin (or “nuffin” as he likes to call it).

He approves! That’s one happy blueberry face!  (Btw, that huge plate of muffins left on the counter there were gone by the end of the day).

He approves! That’s one happy blueberry face! (Btw, that huge plate of muffins left on the counter there were gone by the end of the day).

I added a bunch of these healthy food products to my Amazon shop so be sure to check it out under “Fitness Finds” on the home page. While Emily prefers that kids eat fresh meals and snacks, it’s not always possible so she recommends the Kodiak granola bars, the Clif Kid ZBars and the RXBARS for the healthiest bar options for kids on the go. These are all included in my Amazon shop.

Emily is currently taking new patients, and she accepts insurance. You can learn more about Emily and her practice here.


Add to Your Child’s At-Home Library with these Fitness Finds (two are from local authors)


“Break a Sweat, Not the Planet” with Allbirds New Activewear Line.