Make Room, I Gotta Dance

If you have been following along you know how much I adore Kristin Boquist; how much I live for her Cardio Party classes at Lifetime; and how much I lack any dancing ability. So of course, I could not finish the month of virtual classes without inviting Kristin to bring it with KBO Fitness, her virtual workout platform. And when I say “bring it”, I truly mean those words because no one else brings it quite like this woman.

Kristin created Cardio Party at Lifetime when she joined the original opening team at King of Prussia five years ago. Cardio Party is now one of the most popular classes offered at the KOP location. Kristin’s class currently has 52 spots and it sells out frequently (pre-pandemic numbers were 80-90 people!). If you know, then you know. While I am not a member at Lifetime, I will grab a guest pass from anyone willing to take me to Kristin’s class because it’s way more than a workout. It’s an experience! So I urge you all to get to Kristin’s class at Lifetime at least once in your life time.

During the pandemic, Kristin created KBO Fitness so she could keep her community dancing at home. Many of the “Cardio Party regulars” at Lifetime use this class for a lot more than a calorie burn or to build muscle (which you will do, regardless). When you are in that room and the music is blasting and you are dancing your heart out, you cannot avoid the natural high that comes along with each combination. Kristin recognized that people needed to keep dancing while they were stuck at home. Kristin needed to keep teaching. So she started KBO Fitness and continues to offer her workouts virtually even though Cardio Party classes are back in person at Lifetime.

Here is what makes Kristin’s classes different. First off, she picks amazing and current music. Great repetitive beats and energy boosting tunes that force your hips to swing and your booty to pop. Second, her choreography is pure perfection for EVERYone in that room. Kristin is a natural. She’s been dancing her whole life and started teaching dance fitness in 2008. She’s pretty talented. But her choreography is magical. It’s somehow simple enough for the uncoordinated (me) to catch on, while impressive enough to make you feel like you are actually dancing. Kristin equips you with the right moves. You aren’t just jumping around and waving your arms. She takes modern movements from the club (the actual club, not the fitness club) and incorporates them into her workout. Anyone, at any age and any skill or fitness level can do this workout and get something major out of it. Oh yeah, and you burn a shitload of calories!

So please join Kristin this Sunday (January 30) morning at 10:00 am for some virtual dancing. If you already know and love Kristin (she’s pretty popular around here), join us! If you have always wanted to try her class, this is a great way to go for a test drive before you show up to that packed room in King of Prussia. (And when you do show up for your first Cardio Party class, you will be nervous. You may question your sanity for being there. Rest assure, no one is watching you. The room is dark and the music is loud. But I promise you, you won’t be able to stay away once you go for it!)

Click here for the zoom link. The code is 612 367 5660.

Please Venmo $12 to @Kbofitness ahead of class.


Get Out There (Again), Part 1


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