Why I Decided to Use a Running Coach and Why I am Using Her Again

Last fall, when I ran the Philly Half Marathon I decided to enlist the help of a running coach for the first time. I had run several half marathons, but I wanted to see what the difference would be if I had a coach. It was my kind of a research project. And I got all the benefits of having a coach. My time was better. My body felt better. The confidence and support that I got from using Megan Robinson, my running coach, pushed me to sign up for my first ever full marathon this October in Chicago. So there’s that!

My last half marathon in Philly last November.

Megan Robinson is a Level 1 Certified RRCA Running Coach. She works with athletes of all ages and levels and helps clients meet their running goals, whatever those goals may be. My goal this year is to run my first full marathon. I am not going for speed. I just want to be able to do it! Running a full marathon is a desire that has always been there for me, but it was a goal that I did not think was attainable with my life. That is until I worked with a running coach.

Megan came on some runs with me last year.

This is why I decided to use a running coach and why I am using her again.


Yes, I am committed. Yes, I am motivated. But yes, I am busy as f*ck. And training for a full marathon requires lots of time and lots of patience. I would say the number one reason that I chose to use a running coach, over a training program or an app, is for accountability. If I miss a run or choose another workout instead of my scheduled run, I have to answer to a real person and not a computer. Plus, I expect to have ups and downs during the long haul of training and there will be days that I need a push. If you use an app or an online program, without that real person accountability, I can see how staying on track could be an issue, even for the most dedicated individual.

Individual Attention.

Which leads me to another reason (also tied for #1). Megan works with me. She knows that I am a busy mom of three young children. She knows all about my other baby, this blog, and the fitness goals that come with it. Megan is even working with my crazy 30-day studio tour schedule in June. She makes training for a marathon work with my life. And that is a heck of a lot less pressure. I meet with Megan once a month to discuss the previous month’s work and what the upcoming month looks like for me. We discuss things that are going on in my world, like travel, other commitments and other workouts. And Megan comes back with a running schedule that works with my life. Working with Megan last fall made me realize that running a full marathon (even with all the other stuff I have going on) is actually doable.

Injury Prevention.

This is another big one for me. Yes, I guess it’s also tied for the #1 reason why I am using a running coach. It’s obvious that I’m not getting any younger (although I’ve never felt better). And it’s obvious that training for a marathon is physically grueling on the body. I have to do this without getting injured… or else (said my husband). But I agree that it would not be cool if I got injured and couldn’t take care of the little people (and big people) in my house. That’s Megan’s top priority for me, too. She is an experienced running coach and will work with me to learn what my body can withstand during training. Honestly, this 42 year old gal would not feel comfortable training for a marathon any other way.


Therapy because I am going to need it as I get into the big mile runs during my training. And I am not going to get any sympathy from my husband. (He’s one of those who doesn’t quite get why people sign up and pay for this kind of torture). So yeah, I am paying my running coach to be that shoulder to cry on. That’s why it is so important to pick someone that you jive with. I talked to a few coaches before I landed on Megan, but I felt so comfortable with her. She’s easy to talk to and makes no judgements. (I had another coach actually '“interview me” and as soon as I heard that, I knew he was not the coach for me!). I expect that training to run 26.2 miles will be a very vulnerable time, filled with high highs and low lows. So a completely judgement-free zone was important for me.

How it all works.

Every running coach’s format is different. Megan tailors her coaching format to each athlete she works with. For me, she knows that I don’t need daily or even weekly chats so we talk once a month. She gives me a weekly running plan via an app. I record my runs on the app and Megan always immediately responds to my workout. Megan adapts the following weeks’ training schedule to the previous week’s work and my life schedule. Megan works with many athletes virtually, but because she is local for me, we can meet in person. She even runs with me sometimes, especially when we are working on my race pace.

Megan goes above and beyond and came to the Philly Half Marathon last year to cheer me on at three different points along the race route. I also called her my “race concierge” because she totally prepared me for race day. And because she is a Board Certified Specialist Sports Dietician, Megan also helps me with meal planning and pre and post run nutrition to properly fuel my body once the mileage gets up there. Check out this article that I wrote, with the help of Megan, that is all about sports nutrition.

I highly recommend Megan as a coach. And if you have a running goal, no matter how big or small, and don’t know where to start, give Megan a call. She may also be the push that gets you to finally go for it!

So I officially started my marathon training this week, and the Chicago Marathon is now 20 weeks away. Megan and I chatted last week and we are just getting my body used to running 3-4 times a week. I’ll be taking you all along with me while I train for my first marathon so you can expect updates as my training progresses. Who knows, you all may also become my shoulders to cry on!


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