Studio Spotlight: Evolve Yoga and Beyond

It’s pretty wonderful to hear that a new studio is opening. I just haven’t heard it in a really, really long time. With all that the fitness industry (and so many other industries) have had to deal with over the past 20 months, closings unfortunately, are far more common. When I started this blog last April, I had hopes of being able to share new studio openings with this audience. And almost eight months later, I am finally able to write about one!

I could not be happier that I get to write about Lisa Werny’s new yoga studio, Evolve Yoga and Beyond. There is no one more deserving of success than Lisa. I am over the moon excited for her that after sixteen years of teaching yoga up and down the Main Line, Lisa’s dreams of opening her very own studio have now become a reality.

Lisa chose to add the word “namaste” to this wall, as it humbly means in Hinduism, I bow to you. It’s the first thing you see when you enter the studio. Namaste is recited at the end of a yoga class to honor the divine spark that is in each and every one of us. “I opened the studio to honor the light that I am not only given from my students but also that I hope to share from my heart and spiritual self. We are all the same.”

Evolve Yoga and Beyond is tucked away at the opposite end of the shopping center from Rita’s Water Ice in Paoli. The space includes one yoga studio and a small room for private yoga, stretch, reiki and other practices in the back. The yoga studio has a mirror wall. I learned that this is not typical because anything associated with vanity is not supposed to part of yoga. But Lisa plans to have other types of workouts at the studio so she wanted to have the mirror. (I actually like doing yoga in front of the mirror because I am newer to yoga so it’s helpful for me to see what I look like. There are spots that you can stand without a mirror if you are opposed to the idea). The studio, like Lisa, is both calming and welcoming. All of the classes at Evolve are intended for all levels. She offers a variety of classes. There is truly something for EVERYONE. While Lisa teaches a bunch of the classes, she has seven instructors who also teach at Evolve.

1776 E. Lancaster Avenue in Paoli is where you will find Evolve Yoga and Beyond.

I did not meet Lisa in yoga class. I met her at the stretch studio where she used to work. I immediately felt comfortable with her. She is the type of person that you want to be around. She is accepting, without judgment. She is warm and allows you to trust her in a way that you would with someone you’ve known far longer. These are wonderful qualities to be sure, but invaluable attributes of a yoga instructor. I am fairly new to yoga and some studios can be pretty intimidating. Lisa opens herself up to her students and creates a community that invites you to embrace a class that doesn’t take itself too seriously.

After only taking a few classes with Lisa, I have learned more about yoga poses and proper form than ever before. Props such as blocks, bands and bolsters are strongly encouraged and numerous modifications are offered. Lisa offers a lot of hands on guidance and support which I like. There are stones available to place on your mat if you would rather not be touched during class. Lisa talks about the body with each class: where and why you hold your stress in some areas; where a certain breath comes from; how to engage all six hamstrings (Yeah, I didn’t know there were six of them- three on each side. I learned that from Lisa); how to prevent injury. She speaks about the meaning of various poses and why certain aspects are part of yoga practice. It’s truly an education every time I am in class with her. I also leave class feeling really, really strong, both mentally and physically. The overall theme of acceptance is present in all of her classes. I always thought yoga was not for me, but Lisa has shown me that yoga is for everyone. It’s no wonder that Lisa was named the Best Yoga Instructor on the Main Line in 2021.

Lisa is very quiet and humble about displaying her “Best of the Main Line” plaque. Her friend bought her the sign hanging in her storefront and made her put it up!

Lisa has been doing yoga for close to thirty years and teaching for nearly twenty. She found yoga out of grief and trauma and attributes it to saving her life. She recognizes the power of the practice and brings that power to her class. The list of Lisa’s certificates and trainings is extensive. She has lead various types of yoga classes throughout her career and is bringing all of that experience to Evolve Yoga and Beyond. I have never been more excited about taking so many different types of classes.

One of those is Wall Yoga. Wall Yoga focuses on alignment using the wall. Lisa will take the class through traditional yoga poses with the wall as a prop. This class is not on the schedule yet, but I will be sure to update you when it is. And she is looking to add parent/child Wall Yoga classes, as well. You know I am all over that!

Lisa is showing me how the wall can be used to assist with so many poses, including a handstand, which I never thought I could do. But with the help of the wall, maybe I can?

Another unique offering from Evolve is Evolve for Recovery. This is sobriety and trauma sensitive yoga. It’s for those who have gone through or who are currently going through AA, or those who live with mental illness. Meditation and sobriety is the theme for this class. And while Evolve for Recovery is in studio only, Lisa will be offering special Zoom classes to people living at sober houses. Lisa uses the principles from her recovery based training and the Transformation Yoga Project to teach this class.

Evolve Center and Connect is all about stability and balance. This classes uses blocks and breaks down the movements that you often breeze through in flow.

Here, Lisa is demonstrating the use of blocks to assist a common pose. I have never used blocks with my lunge before. The blocks help show what the proper form should feel like.

Evolve into Stillness is more about mindful deep alignment. This is a great foundational yoga class.

Evolve Strong is a more athletic, toning class. However, every yoga class with Lisa involves strength work (there is always some sort of core series) so I can’t wait to see what happens when she or her instructors kick it up a notch!

Evolve Zen is a restorative Yin based class. Each pose is held for a long period of time to increase blood flow and improve flexibility, calm the mind and nervous system, and release emotions. I’ve never tried a class like this, but Lisa has me convinced that it will be enlightening.

Yoga Stretch and Flex is one of Lisa’s many specialities. She brings her knowledge and extensive experience of breathing techniques and yoga to these one-on-one private yoga and stretch sessions. During these sessions, which can be 30, 45 or 60 minutes, Lisa takes the client through assisted stretches that are tailored to the individual, using yoga as the backdrop. Lisa gives a very individualized approach to her Stretch and Flex clients. She equips her clients with stretches to use at home.

As a runner, Lisa likes to do hip openers and hamstring stretches with me.

Because I am a woman, I hold my stress in my shoulders, so I always enjoy these neck and shoulder stretches. I find the stretch sessions to be more beneficial for my body than a massage.

Lisa’s one-of-a-kind offerings continue with her workshops. The first workshop is being offered on November 18 and is an acroyoga workshop. Bring a partner or come solo to get paired up in class for this 2-hour gymnastics based class. This is one that I will be watching from the sidelines, but I definitely want to be there to observe. In the new year, Lisa will be bringing in Natalie Levin, who uses her unique talents as a opera singer to teach yoga. I mean, sign me up right now!

Evolve Yoga’s schedule is still evolving so be sure to check the website. And I will update you all as new classes are added. Lisa has promised to keep me apprised on all of the workshops, too. You will not want to miss these! I seriously want to take every class at Evolve and wish I had more hours in the day to do so! But Lisa focuses on one movement at a time in her yoga class. So I will follow suite and focus on taking one of these beneficial yoga classes at a time.

My balance is horrible. Hey, that’s why I need yoga! I always struggle with Eagle. Lisa helped me break down this pose and I am improving. Look, I held it long enough for the picture :).

I invite you to check out Lisa’s new studio, Evolve Yoga and Beyond.


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