I’m Adding Modrn Sanctuary to My List of Favorite Places for Self Care Services

If I am in need of a traditional facial, I am headed into Center City to Rescue Spa (I’ll be at the brand new space in a few weeks and cannot wait). If I want a quick hydro facial, I am running over to OVME in Bryn Mawr. If I want a Swedish massage or a lymphatic drainage massage, I am making an appointment the Day Spa in Wayne. And if I need a targeted sports massage, I am calling Kyle Blackstone (Kyle, you are on my list because I have been lifting more lately and my body is hurting). Each of these treatments is just that, a treat. And how I like to take care of myself. I call on these businesses for a boost, a detox, a pick me up, or a remedy throughout the year. Well, I am going to add Modrn Sanctuary to that list for some of the less traditional services, but just as crucial, for a well rounded self care regimen.

During this month of self care, the very first place I called to book was the newly relocated spa in Philadelphia called Modrn Sanctuary. Modrn (no that is not a typo) opened in November, but this innovative spa is not new. Owner, Alexandra Janelli brought her unique healing treatments to Philadelphia when her family moved here from New York City during the pandemic. And I am so grateful that Philadelphians now get to experience all of the enchanting services on the Modrn Sanctuary menu.

The dark decor of this spa is unexpected for a traditional spa but perfectly suited for the magic of Modrn Sanctuary.

While Modrn does offer facials and massages that use new technologies to “promotes a sense of well-being”, I visited the spa for the more unconventional therapies. I know, my job is tough but someone needs to lay down on that bed! I came to Modrn for the Sensory 7 Crystal Bed. The moment I first saw those suspended, glowing rainbow crystals on Instagram, I knew this was something I needed to experience. I mean, the pictures alone… . So that is why I made my appointment at Modrn. But while I was there, I wanted to try some of their other offerings. Modrn has so much at this small, 5-room spa: facials, massages, infrared sauna, reiki, lymphatic drainage, hypnosis. I have been fortunate enough to have done a bunch of these already so for my spa day Modrn, I was going to experience those services that were completely new to me.

So here is what I did and I how I felt after.

First up, was Oxygen Therapy. During the oxygen service, purified air that is 95% oxygen is delivered directly to the client. (The air we normally breathe only has 20% oxygen). This is done using an aromatherapy machine that is connected to the cannula placed in the client’s nostrils. You may have done or seen this in a medical setting. Oxygen Therapy used for non-medical reasons provides heightened energy and mood, improved concentration, enhanced athletic performance, stress reduction, and better sleep. Yes, yes and yes. You had me at increased energy.

Oxygen is an easy add-on at Modrn and for me it was a nice way to start my spa day, especially after braving traffic on 76 and experiencing Center City’s stressful street parking. Sitting still and just breathing in the enhanced air for twenty minutes was really nice. At Modrn, they administer oxygen in the lobby. It’s a good treatment to do between your other services, too. Because I was the only one in the spa at that time, I didn’t mind sitting in the lobby with the tubes in my nose. However, if the waiting area had been filled with other patrons, I may have felt differently and maybe they would, too. (I can imagine walkng into the suite for the first time and seeing people in the lobby with tubes in their nostrils could be alarming… maybe… or maybe I am just not as untroubled and daring as I claim to be). The thoughtful receptionist even stepped away from her desk so I could enjoy the quiet alone time. And after hustling all three kids off to school only an hour prior, that alone time was worth every penny!

Oxygen is offered for 10 or 20 minutes, for $15 or $25, respectively. While I didn’t notice drastic effects (like I do with the IV treatment that boasts similar results), this is an easy, inexpensive and non-invasive way to better your life (at least temporarily) so I would definitely do it again. As with anything, the more frequently you do it, the better it works.

Experiencing the Infrared Sauna in this stunning room is reason enough to sweat it out.

After a quick tour of the spa, I arrived at the room with the crystal chakra bed. This room is even more impactful in person. The 7 large, jagged glowing crystals were suspended above the bed and illuminating purple for the crown chakra, the first of the 7-part healing series. Against the all-black walls of the room, it was magical, mysterious and a little spooky. Entering this room definitely provokes a reaction. Mine was awe and excitement.

There are so many components of this experience. You can check out all the technical details of each part of the treatment on Modrn’s website. Here is my amateur explanation. On the bed is a Biomat. This infrared heated mat has amethyst and tourmaline throughout. There is a lot of complicated (to me) science behind this mat. All I know is that lying on the Biomat creates a tranquilizing effect. And I can tell you it works. I’ve experienced this mat twice now (my friend and reiki practitioner, Angela of 81st and James, has one) and both times, I was in my deepest meditative state.

Above the bed are 7 Vogel-cut quartz crystals. These special crystals receive frequencies produced by the frequency generator in the room. The “frequency box” is set to reduce pain, influence energy fields, turn grief into joy, facilitate change, enhance relationships, cause a return to spiritual order, solve problems and awaken a perfect state. Far out. The crystals are lit with LED lights and align over each of the chakras of the body (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown). Color therapy contributes to the treatment, and the purple is for the first of the seven therapies. The crystal holders even have healing properties— UV light, magnetics and tiny crystal chips.

While you lay on the Biomat, under the large suspended quartz crystals, you put on headphones to listen to the binaural beats while the table vibrates with those beats. So just like you are in a room surrounded by actual singing sound bowls, the sound therapy of this treatment produces alignment and healing.

I started with a 25-minute session. For someone who has a hard time getting into a mediative state, 45 minutes is recommended. But don’t doubt yourself. That entire room is intentionally set up to bring your body and mind into the most tranquil state. This treatment can be combined with a reiki session or stand alone. The intention is for a person to do all seven sessions over time, starting with the crown chakra and working your way down the body.

So what are my thoughts now that I have experienced the Sensory7 Crystal Bed at Modrn? Well, I was definitely in a deep mediative state. I felt light. I felt like I was floating. I felt euphoric. The benefits of this treatment include better sleep, stress and anxiety reduction, less pain, cell detoxification, increased energy, clarity and focus, being more grounded and creating a deeper connection to oneself. Did I get all of these benefits? Maybe. All I know is that I felt more peaceful and focused last week than I do this week. The stress of the weekly grind didn’t get to me as much last week as it is this week. I felt calmer in my home and more at peace with my life last week than I do this week. So it sounds like I need another treatment this week! Still a little skeptical? I invite you to go try it out for yourself and then let’s chat.

The last treatment for my Modrn Sanctuary spa day was ThermiSmooth. I did something for my mind, so it was time to do something for my body. ThermiSmooth technology uses radio frequency to stimulate collagen production, which results in smoother and tighter skin. The collagen then fills in the dimples and wrinkles caused by cellulite and aging. While this treatment can be used on the face, it’s commonly used on areas of the body where the skin is more prone to losing elasticity such as the thighs, knees and tummy. I wanted to target my bum and the area under it.

Guys, I share a lot with you all. But I just cannot bring myself to sharing the close up booty pictures that I had my technician take before and immediately after my ThermiSmooth treatment. You are just going to have to take my word for it— the immediate results are mind blowing. Looking at the “before” picture, I can tell you that the skin under my booty has dimples and cellulite that come with the normal aging process. bahhhh … No matter how many deadlifts and squats I do, I just can’t change the texture of my skin in this area with exercise alone. Describing my “after” picture, that same area is completely smooth. It’s insane. A mere twenty minutes later and that troublesome area is almost completely resolved. I know, it’s pretty extraordinary!

So here is what you can expect with ThermiSmooth because I have the feeling that a lot of you are already picking up the phone to book an appointment. The machine delivers heat to the dermis layers, which are the inner layers of the two main layers of the skin. I was instructed to remove all of my jewelry and put my phone away from my body to prevent burning. First glycerin was applied to the skin being treated. I laid on my stomach and placed a “grounding pad” directly under my hips to stimulate the radio frequency production. This treatment does not hurt but the tool used gets hot (between 40-47 degrees celsius; 104-117 degrees fahrenheit). But the heat feels like a hot stone massage so it’s actually pretty nice. At least it was in this area. The heat causes the dermis to strengthen, tighten and firm. And get this— the heat also causes fat cells to be permanently extinguished. Bam! Put down the phone, guys. I am almost done my article and then you can call and book your appointment.

The whole thing took about 20+ minutes to target this one area of my body. If I had more time and money I would have flipped over to do it on my tummy after seeing what it did to my booty. This treatment is costly but the results make it worth the price. And I am told that the results will continue to develop for 2 weeks to 2 months! This is a service that also works best with a series of treatments, so I plan to do it again right before bathing suit season. And it will probably be something that I will keep up with every year.

So my day at Modrn Sanctuary was everything I imagined and more. I left feeling more grounded, more energized, more peaceful … and with less fat cells! I will call that success!

Alright. Now you can go call and book your appointments. Here is the number. And use the code MODRN10 for 10% off your treatments.


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