You may have heard the term "accountability coach", especially since the Real Housewives of Beverly Hill's star, Teddi Mellencamp, created a multi-million dollar business around it. Sure, I have heard the term thrown around, but I have always wondered what the heck it means to be an "accountability coach" ... even as my good friend, Abby Arons, embarked on the business herself earlier this year. So I finally sat down with Abby to get the low down on her new business, Accountability by Abby. Abby offers accountability coaching all over the country since her coaching is all virtual. Read on to learn how having an accountability coach can benefit you and help you to achieve your fitness goals.


Brooke: What is an accountability coach?

Abby: An accountability coach can be a lot of things in different facets of life -- food, health, business, behavior. Currently, I am focused on being a "fitness accountability coach". What I intend to do as a fitness accountability coach is design a customized fitness plan for my clients and essentially hold them "accountable" to follow it. I am your very own personal cheerleader and provide support and motivation throughout your fitness journey to ensure success. I love to celebrate the achievements!

Brooke: Ok, so someone wants to enlist your services, now what?

Abby: Great question! Once a potential client reaches out to me with interest, I get back to them with a questionnaire that covers all the information I need to create their individualized fitness plan. I need to know what equipment they have access to, what they like to do, how much time they want to devote to fitness, and the time of the day they typically plan to work out. I also journey into what has stopped them from committing in the past. Based on the answers to these questions and a follow up conversation, I create a weekly plan.

Brooke: What do you charge?

Abby: Right now, as I get started I have affordable and realistic fees and commitments. I ask for $100 a month, with zero consultation fee. The $100 includes the consultation, one month of schedules and daily check in's. The combination of having money on the line and someone in your head (and on your phone) telling you what to do and holding you accountable really motivates my clients to stick to the schedule and commit to the routine.

Brooke: How does a session/ a week/ a month look like with you by their side?

Abby: I require a one month commitment to start. I believe that it takes at least three months to set a routine.

After the initial questionnaire, I make the weekly schedule and send it to my client. The night before, I send the EXACT workout to perform the next day-- whether it is a specific Peloton ride, an outdoor walk, an Isaac Boots class, a Melissa Wood Health (you get the idea...). I send the specific workout because I don't want my clients wasting time scrolling, browsing, or getting side tracked searching for the right one. All of that can turn into wasted time and a chance to loose motivation. The next day, I will check in, either at the time of the scheduled workout or at some point in the day. Each client decides what works best for them for these daily check-ins. Some people want a text to make sure they are on the bike. Others don't need that. I do whatever it takes to get my clients to complete their scheduled workouts. It's really individualized.

At the end of week one, I send a follow up questionnaire about what worked and what didn't. We also discuss modifications moving forward ... and then we do it all again!

This is a sample week for one of Abby’s clients.

This is a sample week for one of Abby’s clients.

Brooke: Tell me about the results that you have seen in a client that stands out.

Abby: I have had several clients with incredible results. One particular client is so pleased with the sheer strength and motivation she has gained. We started in January ... it is now April. She has not missed ONE workout. She tells me that she is challenged and motivated every single day. For the first time ever, she is not bored with her workouts. AND, she has even started running. She has never run in her life and now does thirty minute outdoor runs... and she is ENJOYING it!! Her clothes fit better and she has made such improvements to her health. The number on the scale is secondary to the success she feels doing the workouts.

On the flip side, I have had a few clients who didn't commit to the plan. I do the best I can to provide the tools and support, but ultimately, it needs to be a partnership on both ends for real success!

Brooke: What is your training?

Abby: My commitment to exercise and physical activity throughout my entire life is the best training. Exercise is a lifestyle. I do not look at it as a quick fix to lose five pounds. I treat exercise as an entire mind/body experience. I currently do not have formal training as an accountability coach, but I am looking into different courses. I will really explore this once my kids are BACK in school full time (or even over the summer when I have more time).

Brooke: What made you decide to start this business?

Abby: The idea came to me on the anniversary of my dad's death. I was sitting at a traffic light and it was almost as if he sent the idea to me in that moment. My father instilled the importance of health and fitness in me and my siblings. Through his dedication to working out I began to learn the importance of taking care of your mind and body. Once we went into quarantine last year, I fully realized the importance exercise played on my mindset. It gave me a purpose each day. It was something dependable ... something to challenge my mind and body, and of course, some time for myself. I want to share my passion and the benefits of exercise with anyone who is interested in improving their mind and body health.

Brooke: Gotta love that! What is your favorite part about your job?

Abby: I love to make the schedule-- I love to plan out the week for my clients. I love to mix it up with things that are working for them...and sharing what works for me. I really try to include a variety of teachers, classes, and music. Anything to keep my clients engaged, motivated and NEVER bored. I scour the internet for new classes, teachers, workout trends. I love to share the good stuff with my clients!

Ok Abby, we love those cuties behind you.

Ok Abby, we love those cuties behind you.

Brooke: Do you ever workout with your clients?

Abby: I love to hop on the same Peloton ride as my clients. I love the motivation of seeing everyone on the board "high fiving". I have also done a few zoom workouts with clients.

Brooke: Thanks Abby for educating me and my readers! I know a lot of people who have gotten bored of virtual, in-home workouts that could really benefit from working with you right now.

If accountability coaching sounds like something that may help to get your butt up off the couch, get in touch with Abby:


IG: @accountabilitybyabby

Also, Abby is offering one FREE month of coaching to the winner of the Fitness Finds on the Main Line Instagram GIVEAWAY this week! So be sure to follow the instructions on Instagram to get your entries for this awesome package that includes Accountability by Abby.


